
Die Kunst des Alpinen Luxus

Beschauliche Landschaft, archaische Bergwelt und Platz für Zukunftsvisionen. Vals mit seiner berühmten Thermalquelle ist ein ruhiger Rückzugsort, und in den 7132 Hotels nächtigt der Gast in einer ganz besonderen Atmosphäre. Die Gäste der 7132 Hotels entfliehen hier dem grauen Mainstream und verschreiben sich dem letzten wahren Luxus einer hektischen Moderne: Muße, Ruhe und Entschleunigung. Read more

Tiefenentspannte Expedition ins eigene Ich

Stellen Sie sich einen Ort vor, an dem Sie maximales Wohlbefinden auf allen Ebenen erreichen können. Das Kamalaya Resort im ruhigen Süden von Koh Samui ist einer der inspirierendsten Kraftplätze, um den Alltag hinter sich zu lassen und Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang zu bringen.

Das Spa Resort bietet ein preisgekröntes Wellness Refugium der Extraklasse. Geplant ist während des Retreats nur eines: bewusste Tiefenentspannung. Ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz steht hier im Vordergrund: holistische Medizin gepaart mit östlichen und westlichen komplementären Heiltraditionen mobilisieren die Selbstheilungskräfte – ganz auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse abgestimmt.

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Your very own oasis of retreat

The Golden Hill Country Chalets & Suites in Southern Styria enchants with luxurious chalets – each with its own private spa – to immerse yourself in energizing tranquility. The No. 1 Hideaway of the Best Hotels in Austria convinces with its elegance and naturalness. Carefree relaxation and pure enjoyment – completely private in your vacation home.

In the middle of the enchanting Styrian hilly landscape, your own chalet offers everything you need for a luxurious time-out: In the private spa area, the beautifully designed sauna cube awaits you, but you can also relax in the outdoor wellness bathtub with its panoramic view. Inside, the noble interior design provides a feeling of security and well-being. The houses, built of solid wood, have been fitted out with exquisite natural materials and an eye for detail and spread energy and warmth, just like the blazing fireplace – perfect for relaxing and recharging your batteries.

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Can Bordoy in Palma de Mallorca

It is strange how, as you pass through this portal, the big city suddenly seems to fall off you. The noise is far away, the rush forgotten. And where just a few minutes ago, buses and taxis were shunting in the rush hour traffic and people were strolling in front of the shop windows, there is but wonderful calmness now: in an old city palace at the heart of Palma de Mallorca, in the just one year old luxury hotel Can Bordoy, in a building of the 16th century that was long used as a school.

It has the largest private garden in the old town – secluded, highly walled, with an elongated private pool and an exquisite restaurant. The house in the La Lonja district has style, as does the hotel – and yet nothing here is stiff or wooden. It is like visiting friends who have just bought a city palace in Palma, renovated it and lovingly decorated it with great attention to detail. What a bliss!

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Front row seat with views of natural Sicilian scenery

It fills me with joy when someone not just builds a hotel, but really has a knack for it, even a signature, an eye for it. When someone has intuition for the fact that an excellent establishment is by no means just accommodation, but must stand for an attitude to life. Because the perfect hotel feels good: consciously, subconsciously, through all senses.

The carefully renovated country estate Monaci delle Terre Nere in Sicily, about halfway between Taormina and Catania at the foot of Mount Etna, is exemplary in this respect: a manor house in traditional Sicilian architecture, plus a few outbuildings with a more rugged appearance. Some of the centuries-old room walls made of natural stone are not plastered, almost black in contrast to the snow-white bed linen, the furniture is a combination of old and new, there are delicate touches of contemporary design everywhere. The mixture is perfect, the arrangement ideal. What has emerged within eight years here has become a genuine ‘high-end feel-good hotel’ for me. Read more